Sunday, July 13, 2008


It amuses me that so many political pundits out there are saying "Obama is tacking to the right! Obama is abandoning the left!" Clearly these are people who haven't read his positions. His website is pretty clear that he's pragmatic - he wants to get things done. I've never heard him claim about himself that he's a far left liberal. He's a person with a wide range of positions on a wide range of issues, just like most Americans. It may be easier for TV pundits to pigeon hole him as one thing or another, but that doesn't make it true. And we don't have to believe it.

I am disappointed in his FISA legislation vote, but other than that nothing he's done is really a surprise. I don't expect to agree with every position ANY politician has, including Obama. Anyone who doesn't understand that needs to grow up.

1 comment:

Not Important said...

I have no citations to back this up, but I believe people want to see themselves reflected in celebrities. Someone like Obama, who has had the limelight for a couple of years now, is naturally a person with whom people want to identify. When he doesn't reflect them, they get upset.