Saturday, April 12, 2008


As yesterday's post may have tipped you off, I had a migraine. Have had them for, I dunno, 25 years now? (oy that sounds like such a long time). So today's post will be short too, though not as minute as yesterday's. Oh and if it doesn't 'hang together' well, at least you'll know why. Please excuse.

So why am I blogging? I mean at ALL, not just today after a migraine when I still feel mentally fuzzy? Because I'm good at writing - something I have known all my life - and don't have the discipline to write the stories, plays and poems in my head. I'm kind of hoping that blogging will get me in the habit of writing generally, which I can then transfer to creative writing. I read a piece on Andrew Sullivan's blog about how "addictive" blogging is, and I must admit that that was the final impetus to get moving. He, of course, was talking about addictive being a bad thing (which it is, of course), but I'm hoping to put that addictive-quality to good use. We'll see how it works out.

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