Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wheel of Time

I just read that the last book in the Wheel of Time series will be published in Autumn 2009. (this being news from the publishing world, one must Capitalize Autumn. Ahem). I'm psyched.

That book being published at all is bigger news than it may first seem, if you haven't read the series. You see the author is now dead and didn't actually finish the last book. ANOTHER sci-fi/fantasy series' author dead before the series is finished! (YEAH I'M LOOKING AT YOU FRANK HERBERT!!!!) I was seriously annoyed. Yes, yes sad too, but ANNOYED.

But Robert Jordan (author's nom de plume) knew he was sick,, had already begun what was planned to be the last book in the series and made copious notes of what was going to happen. His widow has chosen an author to finish the book (Brandon Sanderson), who has begun his first draft. WOO HOO!

This book, when it comes out, will be the 12th book in the series. The books average about 750 pages a piece. The first 3 books were incredibly good. The next 3 were good, but not great. The rest of them were - MEH! I know, why keep reading when all I thought of them was MEH? Because I'm invested in the characters now. I want to know how their stories end.

So I guess next January I'll start re-reading the series from the beginning so I can read that last book with a clear picture of all the characters and all the plot lines. Sounds like fun!


Chris said...

Agreed. The plotting and characterization became so detailed that each book. just. started. dragging.

Good to hear that the series is being finished. Sad to hear it's not RJ. I'm sure the author will do it justice though.

M&M said...

While I was writing that post, I was wondering if you had read the series and guessed that you were.

I may have to take up weight lifting to read the last book. If he's going to tie up all the loose plot lines, it's going to be a BIG book. There's no hope of tieing up all the characters' loose ends.

Chris said...

I think the last book I read was Crown of Swords. I'm not even sure I finished it. I should probably do my geekly duty and re-read the series from the start but realistically I'll just wind up reading the Wikipedia articles.


I'm so disappointed in myself...