Thursday, September 4, 2008

Marketing mistakes?

1. Husband and I got our first Christmas catalog on August 15th. AUGUST 15TH!!! I know that most retailers depend on holidays sales to make money and making money is difficult in an economy like this. But that's more than 4 MONTHS before the holiday. Kinda kills the holiday fun for me..

2. I bought a new cereal whose label describes some parts as "crunchy fiber twigs". TWIGS?? I need the fiber so I bought it anyway. And besides I've tried and liked other types of cereal by the same brand. But I laughed out loud in the grocery story when I read that. Someone in that company's marketing department got paid to come up with the copy "Crunchy fiber twigs". Who is worse the person who wrote the copy, or the person who approved the copy?


Cayden said...

"Who is worse, the person who wrote the copy or the person who approved it?" ... or the person who bought it?


sounds like effective marketing to me

M&M said...

Might have been good marketing, except I didn't notice the odd phrase until after I bought the cereal and was putting it away at home.